Tax-deductible Donations to LIFEgame™ 2018 Bay Area

Friday January 5 2018

Your donations to LIFEgame™ 2018 Bay Area will be greatly appreciated. With the "Life Game scholarship fund", we plan to offer financial aid to students; and with the "Life Game general fund", we plan to subsidize the operating expense of running the camp.
Please mail your donation to
Lord's Grace Christian Church
1101 San Antonio Road
Mountain View, CA 94043
Please make the check payable to Lord's Grace Christian Church, and write "Life Game scholarship fund", or "Life Game general fund" in the memo. It is important to NOT write the name of the individual you are sponsoring on the check.
Download instruction to use to make online donation
For Fund designation, please choose "Life Game"; otherwise it will go to general fund. It is highly recommended for you to use "cover fee" option.